Further Details

This example scene has only brushed the surface of the Havok Xtra. While everything so far has been created via Lingo scripts, Havok Physics Scene (.HKE) files can also be exported from a 3D modeler and imported as a cast member. This is done in a similar manner to Shockwave 3D (.W3D) files, which can be exported, from a number of 3D modelers.

This allows for extremely fast content creation of physically accurate 3D scenes. See the Havok website for details of 3D modeler plugins.

Along with the exporter support, a number of behaviors have already been created. These can be accessed and used as with any other behavior available within Macromedia Director. They are grouped into two sections: Setup and Control.

The Setup behaviors wrap the basic functionality that has been discussed within this quick start guide. Initialization, stepping and shutdown are handled by the Physics (HKE) and Physics (No HKE) behaviors while others handle rigid body or spring and dashpot creation.

The Control behaviors provide examples of more complex interaction with a physically simulated scene. Move Model, for example, introduces manipulation of rigid bodies via the mouse, while Drive Model allows any rigid body to be controlled as if it where a car.

All of these behaviors should be used, studied and modified to your heart's content.